Daily Crossword - Saturday, February 1, 2025

Instruction : Select a cell, type in answers based on clues, and complete the puzzle.

      Daily Crossword Clues


      • 1. He ___ (drive) to work every morning -
      • 2. What was the grasshopper's state during the summer?
      • 3. This color card warns players of their risky moves.
      • 4. A device that kills people easily
      • 5. The innermost wall of the walls, where the rich and royalty lives.
      • 6. Name of Eren's mother.
      • 7. The great titan who created the nine titans, the Founding Titan.
      • 8. Yesterday, she _____ to the store. (run)
      • 9. Shaun thinks this Canadian singer is an arsehole. (Surname)
      • 10. This mode allows multiple players to team up in the game.
      • 11. It ___ (rain) a lot in the spring -
      • 12. He ___ (speak) three languages fluently -
      • 13. She ___ (cook) dinner for her family -
      • 14. A former senator and one of the survivors.
      • 15. Whole numbers that are divisible by 2
      • 16. Interval Reinforcement after a set amount of time
      • 17. When you pass the ball with your head it is called a
      • 18. Last player or team standing wins this.
      • 19. The captain of the Survey Corps.
      • 20. Lead vocalist known for his distinctive voice and stage presence.
      • 21. The total number of seasons of 'The Last Man on Earth.'
      • 22. This tea leaf symbol means longevity and strength
      • 23. What is this conitenent that is right beside Asia.
      • 24. This weapon type is silent but deadly at close range.
      • 25. The name Phil gives to a volleyball he talks to.
      • 26. A line of players protecting the goal from a free kick.
      • 27. Cunning, web-spinning predator with eight legs and eight eyes.
      • 28. The surname of the royal family.
      • 29. Type of area where players gather weapons and gear at the start.
      • 30. A sweet substance produced by bees from the nectar of flowers.
      • 31. Shaun recently invaded this country.
      • 32. Wise men from the East who visited Jesus after his birth.
      • 33. Shaun's hair occasionally does this on a cold or windy day.
      • 34. The journal owner. "Master...", the titan said. The titan talks!
      • 35. The instrument that Ray Toro plays in the band.
      • 36. Ratio Reinforcement after a set number of responses
      • 37. Large, striped feline known for its hunting prowess and agility.
      • 38. Shaun has a voice very similar to one of these.
      • 39. In which season did the ants toil hard?
      • 40. The number of times Shaun has to shave every day.
      • 41. Shaun once held this for 21 years.
      • 42. Nab the ball mid-air with this controlled maneuver.
      • 43. An elastic material obtained from the latex sap of trees.
      • 44. What kind of food did the ant collect?
      • 45. A men/women who going to marry someone
      • 46. The innermost wall of the walls. where the rich and royalty lives.
      • 47. this story is part of the collection credited to ______.
      • 48. Shaun has a rather muscular pair.


      • 1. The surname of the royal family.
      • 2. In which wall is Connie's and Sasha's village located?
      • 3. Something which Shaun is a bit of.
      • 4. This body part is off-limits for everyone except the goalie.
      • 5. In which wall is Connie's and Sasha's village located?
      • 6. The captain of the Survey Corps.
      • 7. The first woman Phil meets in the series.
      • 8. When you kick the ball to a teammate it is called a
      • 9. Exports and imports shipping-good-sold.
      • 10. King of the jungle, known for its mighty roar.
      • 11. A hot cartoon character that Shaun would sleep with if he could.
      • 12. The city where Phil initially settles.
      • 13. At the beginning, what season did the story mention?
      • 14. The year that the band announced their break-up.
      • 15. The commander who likes to bargain. He lost his hand for that.
      • 16. Last night, we _____ dinner together. (eat)
      • 17. Goalie can use their hands only when they are inside the
      • 18. She ___ (walk) to school every day -
      • 19. High-powered scope available for better targeting.
      • 20. The bottom side or face of a geometric figure.
      • 21. Name for people who despises the demon of Eldia.
      • 22. A nutrient-rich liquid produced by mammals.
      • 23. Name of Eren's mother.
      • 24. In summer it is located in hotels
      • 25. Name for people who despises the demon of Eldia.
      • 26. This tea leaf symbol means danger or mortality
      • 27. What season do the insects store food for?
      • 28. A natural fiber produced by silkworms.
      • 29. The one day you should never bother Shaun.
      • 30. She _____ a letter every week. (write)
      • 31. A character who may in fact be related to Shaun.
      • 32. Whole numbers that are not divisible by 2
      • 33. Shaun has one, but he is rather crap, and never answers his calls.
      • 34. This closes the bottle or jar
      • 35. A textile made from the fibers of the flax plant.
      • 36. The commander who likes to bargain.He lost his hand for that.
      • 37. These drops contain rare items and appear randomly during matches.
      • 38. She is _______ a sandwich.
      • 39. The number of heads Shaun has chopped off with his razor sharp wit.
      • 40. A textile fiber obtained from sheep and other animals.
      • 41. The main protagonist of the series.
      • 42. Shaun has a beautiful set.
      • 43. The main protagonist of the series.
      • 44. In-game event that forces players closer together.
      • 45. Social insects known for building complex hives and producing honey.
      • 46. They are _____ lunch at the moment. (eat)
      • 47. The smallest whole number
      • 48. Don't be a pinhead! Always store these pointy pals safely.

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