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Many people look forward to Christmas. It is a time of the year at the end of December where many people travel to different parts of the country to visit and spend time with their families. Before December 25th, people buy presents for their family and friends. Then they wrap them in colorful paper and puts bows on them. On Christmas Day, people open their presents from their family members and friends. Sometimes, people will sing Christmas carols. Children believe that Santa Claus comes down the chimney and brings them some presents. Some people cook a large dinner for the family.

Words In This Word Search

Bells, Candles, Cards, Celebrate, Festival, Family, Reunion, Frosty, Greetings, Holiday, Jubilee, Merry, Noel, Parades, Party, Redgreen, Scrooge, Season, Spirit, Stocking, Stuffers, Stockings, Tidings, Tradition, Traffic, Trips, Vacation, Wassail, Wassailing, Yule, Yuletide


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