Things That You Need In Your Writing
4th grade writing standard: 2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine arntopic and convey ideas and information clearly.rna.rnIntroduce a topic clearly and group relatedrninformation in paragraphs and sections;rninclude formatting (e.g., headings),rnillustrations, and multimedia when useful tornaiding comprehension.rnb.rnDevelop the topic with facts, definitions,rnconcrete details, quotations, or otherrninformation and examples related to the topic.rnc.rnLink ideas within categories of informationrnusing words and phrases (e.g.,rnanotherrn,rnforrnexamplern,rnalsorn,rnbecausern).rnd.rnUse precise language and domain-specificrnvocabulary to inform about or explain therntopic.rne.rnProvide a concluding statement or sectionrnrelated to the information.