Clueless 2 Game Crossword Puzzle

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Are crossword puzzles too easy for you? Would you rather watch a full movie online, than spend another minute answering those boring crossword puzzles on the newspapers? Then here's the crossword game that's perfect for you. Clueless Crossword breaks away from the traditional types of crossword puzzles. You start out with a typical crossword puzzle, and then you find your way through the game by fitting in the given letters into the blank spaces. The challenge here is that there are no clues or hints to each word that you need to fill in!

Clueless Crossword tests your ability to decode the words that are linked together, while making sure that the rest of the puzzle still contains the correct word answers. Completing one puzzle will involve strategic placement of each letter, and analyzing how it affects the entire crossword puzzle. Every letter placed on a cell will have a ripple effect on the crossword puzzle, as some duplicates of the letters will show up on unexpected places. So plan carefully, and analyze each possible word that might fit into this unique online crossword puzzle game. With the 5 levels of progressive difficulty to complete, you just might spend the entire day just solving this brain twisting online puzzle. Or you can go back and enjoy some full movies online.

Clueless 2 Game Clue List




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