Of Mice And Men Crossword Puzzle

5 (1 Ratings)
Instruction: Select a cell, type in answers based on clues, and complete the puzzle.

      John Steinbeck’s classic novel Of Mice and Men delves into the lives of two displaced ranch workers during the Great Depression. This crossword puzzle invites you to explore the themes, characters, and pivotal moments of this poignant story. Join George and Lennie on their journey through the Great Depression as you unravel the themes, characters, and events of this timeless tale. Select a block or cell, and watch as the corresponding hint lights up, guiding you through the maze of literary clues. Every clue immerses you deeper into Steinbeck's narrative. Prefer a more traditional experience? Explore the print option at the top right and bring the challenge to life with pen and paper. 


      Whether you're a literature buff or simply looking for a brain-teasing adventure, this crossword promises an engaging and thought-provoking experience. Ready to test your knowledge? Click on play now and journey into the world of Of Mice and Men! 

      Of Mice And Men Clue List


      • 1. Carlson shot candy's dog with a ________.
      • 2. A deep hole in the ground into which sewage from sinks, toilets, etc. is drained.
      • 3. What is old Susy's place?
      • 4. What does Curley's wife let Lennie touch?
      • 5. Who wrote Of Mice and Men?
      • 6. Where George and Lennie went to find work?
      • 7. A type of cereal grass; used for making malts and for animal feed.


      • 1. Coarse, inexpensive, woven fabric; often used for making grain sacks.
      • 2. A northern California mining town.
      • 3. A packet or bundle.
      • 4. Owner of the old smelly dog
      • 5. A handyman; someone who performs odd jobs often involving cleaning.
      • 6. What Crooks was putting on his back?
      • 7. a mule driver.

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