The Synonym - Antonym Challenge Crossword Puzzle

Instruction: Select a cell, type in answers based on clues, and complete the puzzle.

      Are you stuck in a vocabulary rut? Does big and small just not cut it anymore? Spice up your word game with The Synonym-Antonym Challenge! This brain-teasing adventure is designed to make you a wordsmith extraordinaire, mastering the ever-shifting landscapes of meaning. Each clue here will test your linguistic prowess. This puzzle will have you thinking about words and their opposites, helping to expand your understanding of synonyms and antonyms.

      So, ditch the dictionary, grab your thinking cap, and take up The Synonym-Antonym Challenge! Expand your vocabulary, impress your friends, and become the ultimate master of meaning. What are you waiting for? Click on ‘Play Now’ and start your word-slinging adventure today!

      The Synonym - Antonym Challenge Clue List


      • 1. You might hide a gift, but ____ a secret.
      • 2. Frigid weather is the opposite of ____.
      • 3. Timid and shy are similar, like brave and _____ are.
      • 4. Vacant and empty are similar, like occupied and _____ are.
      • 5. Fickle and indecisive are similar, opposite of resolute and _____.
      • 6. To contract is to shrink, while to increase in size is to ____.
      • 7. Conflict is the opposite of ____.
      • 8. Abundant resources are the opposite of being ____.


      • 1. Small and insignificant are synonyms, while enormous is the _____.
      • 2. To praise is to compliment, while to criticize is to _____.
      • 3. Fragile and delicate are synonyms, opposite of sturdy and _____.
      • 4. To surrender is to give up, while to resist is to _____.
      • 5. Gloomy and sad are similar, opposite of cheerful and _____.
      • 6. Cowardice is the opposite of ____.
      • 7. Fake is the opposite of ____.

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