Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


The United States is considered the flu season from October to May, but it peaks in February. In the Philippines, it happens from July to December when it gets rainy and cold. In Australia, it happens from May to October, but it peaks in August. Flu season differs according to the place you live in, but there is one thing certain: everyone must be ready and prepared. Certain conditions such as cold weather knock down our immune system, and these opportunistic infections weaken our resistance. Find all the words hidden in this word search puzzle to help you understand what you need to know about flu season.

Words In This Word Search

Airborne, Germs, Chemotherapy, Gloves, Handwashing, Infection, Vaccine, Virus, Weakness, Fever, Coughing, Congestion, Complication, Epidemic, Pneumonia


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