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Once Upon a Time is an American television show from the writers of Lost and Tron: Legacy that centers on various characters from fairy tales – with elements taken from Disney and western literature. It takes place in the fictional seaside town of Storybrooke, Maine, where each of these well-known fairy tale characters is inhabitants, having been transported from their fictional universe into the "real world" without any memory of how they got there or their past lives as a result of a powerful curse. Think you can locate some of these iconic fairy tale characters from Once Upon A Time; Emma, David, Snow White, Red, Belle, Dr. Whale, Regina in this word search puzzle? Why don't you check yourself? All the best!

Words In This Word Search

Rumplestiltskin, Emma, Snowwhite, Princecharming, Evilqueen, Storybrooke, Rubby, Belle, Red, Marymargaret, David, Regina, Granny, Mrgold, Cinderella, Princethomas, Drwhale, Graham, Huntsman, Nova, Dwarfs, Leroy, Fairy


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