Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


At first glance, it is hard to distinguish its meaning and use. Still, people specializing in radiology, called radiologists, use it to diagnose and remedy certain diseases in our bodies. Some medical terms and procedures under radiology, such as radiofrequency, x-ray, and neurologic, can be found on this word search. Once you find all the words hidden in this word search puzzle, you can also start looking for their meaning. This game is going to be fun and informative at the same time!

Words In This Word Search

Neurologic, Nuclear, Medicine, Chest, X, Ray, Magnetic, Resonance, Imaging, Ct, Scan, Ribs, Heart, Tibia, Fibula, Ulna, Radiofrequency, Ablation, Rhizotomy, Cervical, Spine, Lumbosacral, Thoracic, Pituitary, Gland, Internal, Carotid, Artery, Ethmoid, Air, Cells, External, Auditory, Canal, Joint, Facet, Arthropathy, Degenerative, Disease, Disc, Herniation


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