Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


South Park is an animated show aired on the Comedy Central channel. The show's main characters include four children who live in Colorado. Each child has their personality and their drawbacks that cause others to pick on them. Stan is in 4th grade, which is the average type of kid. Kyle is smart and makes the right decisions. Eric is overweight and is receives insults as a result of that. Kenny usually can't be understood due to his voice. He is poor. In many of the first several seasons, Kenny was known for getting killed in every episode by a character, "They killed Kenny." Play this word search game and spot all these mentioned characters in this game.

Words In This Word Search

Eric Cartman, Stan Marsh, Chef , Bebe Stevens, Token Black, Sharon Marsh, Liane Cartman, Broflovski, Mr Slave, The Scary Monster


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