Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


The "Wizards of Waverly Place’ television show stars Selena Gomez as a sibling in the Russo family. This television show began in 2007 and ended in 2012 on the Disney Channel. As a popular television show, it launched Gomez’s career. Selena Gomez plays a teenager named Alex who lives with her two brothers, Justin and Max. All three of them are powered with wizardry skills. It seems like they live a normal teenage life tackling regular teenage issues at home and at school, but they are also going against each other by trying to be the head wizard by being taught by their father. In this word search game, you'll be tasked to find the famous characters from this popular show. So, are you ready to accept this challenge? Go ahead.

Words In This Word Search

Alex Russo, Max Russo, Justin Russo, Harper Finkle, Jerry Russo, Zeke, Theresa Russo, Mr Laritate


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