Government Of Ancient Rome Crossword Puzzle

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Instruction: Select a cell, type in answers based on clues, and complete the puzzle.
      This set of quiz-based crosswords focuses on the topic of the Government of Ancient Rome. Learn about the policy and much more related to the Government of Ancient Rome and much more with our simple and easy sets of quiz-based crosswords.

      Government Of Ancient Rome Clue List


      • 1. A leader of an Empire.
      • 2. He was Julius Caesar's son and became Rome's first emperor.
      • 3. The leader of Carthage during its wars with Rome.
      • 4. His twin brother killed him and then became the founder of Rome.
      • 5. The Plebeians did what in order to gain virtually equal power, or at least more than they had before
      • 6. How many Punic wars were fought?
      • 7. The highest social standpoint who were wealthy and powerful.
      • 8. The lowest social standpoint who worked for no pay.
      • 9. The form of government most closely related to a republic.
      • 10. Rome had two types of governments.; a republic and a(n)...
      • 11. A governmental group of 300 people.
      • 12. Two people of the highest power; one is a plebeian and one is a patrician.


      • 1. He was a leader of Rome who supported the lower class, but was later killed by some patricians.
      • 2. A series of wars fought between Rome and Carthage.
      • 3. He was supposedly the one who founded Rome and killed his twin brother.
      • 4. In what year (B.C.) was Rome founded?
      • 5. What system did their government use in order to give people an equal say in governmental decisions?
      • 6. Structure of Ancient Rome's social classes.
      • 7. The second highest social standpoint who were treated badly before they refused to work.
      • 8. A type of government in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives.
      • 9. The type of democracy most closely related to a republic.
      • 10. A set of twelve laws that didn't allow the patricians to find loopholes.
      • 11. 10 plebeians that controlled the military until handing the power over.

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