Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


The ancient world is still a mystery to us in many ways, but we’re learning more and more about it each day as we study the few ancient civilizations that were established many thousands of years ago. These civilizations include Ancient Kush, Ancient Egypt, and Mesopotamia. If you want to learn a little more about these ancient civilizations and the world they created, start with this fun word search puzzle. You’ll find many words here that are related to these civilizations. Once you find all of the hidden terms, do some research and see what other interesting information you can dig up.

Words In This Word Search

Kush, Nubia, Nile, Egypt, Pyramids, Heavyrain, Minerals, Mummification, Tumbs, Desert, Kingdom, Ancienttimes, Mesopotamis, Crops, Sunlight


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