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In scientific terms, birth is the process of bearing offspring. In humans, this is usually done one at a time. After roughly nine months of pregnancy, the birthing process will begin with a series of contractions of the uterus walls and the cervix's dilation. When it reaches 4cm, the baby's head – in typical cases – will press against the cervix until it gets to 10cm, and the woman's water will break. With the aid of even more muscular contractions, the woman will then push the baby through the vaginas with the umbilical cord still attached. Sometime later, the placenta, amniotic sac, and remaining umbilical cord will also be expelled. Can you list out all the stages of childbirth that we've hidden in this word search puzzle? Let's see how easily you do it.

Words In This Word Search

Labor, Mid Wife, Natural Birth, Lamaze, Lightening, Breech, Dilation, Effacement, Episiotomy , Forceps, Vacuum Extraction , Cesarean, Bonding, Postpartum Care, Cord Blood , Baby Blues


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