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Central sterile processing is known by many different names, including sterile processing, central supply department, central supply,and central sterile department. Central sterile processing is a department that is located in health care facilities, such as hospitals, that perform sterilizing procedures for medical instrument, devices, and consumables. This department ensures medical equipment and devices are thoroughly cleansed and doesn't patients and doctors getting infections and diseases due to unsanitary medical instruments. The central sterile processing department is responsible for the health of surgical instruments after they have been used and resubmitting the instruments so they be used again. Every health care service provider should have a central sterile processing department.

Words In This Word Search

Sterilizer, Hi, Vac, Vpro, Sterrad, Casecart, Surgery, Labor, Room, Cardiac, Pick, Tickets, Instruments, Decon, Gloves, Gowns, Mask, Handwashing, Ims, Biologicals, Wrappers


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