Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
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Chromatography is a technique for separating a mixture of chemical substances. Chemists and biochemists commonly use it to analyze the individual components of these chemical substances. There are two phases of chromatography called the mobile phase, which moves through a structure, and the stationary phase, the importance where the mobile phase passes. To an average person, chromatography may sound complicated, but the study of this technique is quite fun. This word search puzzle contains many things about chromatography, so this game is a good starting point for someone who wants to become a chemist or biochemist someday.

Words In This Word Search

Chromatography, Partition, Mobilephase, Gas, Liquid, Solid, Eluate, Elution, Solvent, Adsorption, Solubility, Adsorption, Absorption, Eluent


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