Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


When you think of a disability, you may think of a person walking with a cane or sitting in a wheelchair. Surprisingly, some disabilities cannot be seen, including depression and anxiety. People may react to situations in their life differently than you would. Many different things cause anxiety and depression, but the main factor is stress. Some disabilities are physical, while others are mental (that are not always visible). Some people are born with a disability, while others may have developed a disability or had something in life that caused them to have a disability, such as a car accident. In this word search puzzle, you'll be tasked to spot words related to disability. Good luck!

Words In This Word Search

Blind, Hearingaid, Deaf, Wheelchair, Guidedog, Disabled, Paralympics, Colourblind, Senses, Speech, Impediments, Ramp, Lift, Glasses, Mute, Paralysed, Walkingstick


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