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Every human is of a specific DNA structure, which includes the makeup of our genetics. Both DNA and RNA have something in common. They both are associated with encrypting and programming information related to a person’s genetic. However, DNA is much better than RNA when it comes to knowledge. The RNA makes proteins. Both DNA and RNA are in a specific sequence. DNA’s structure is called a double helix strand. RNA is essential too. It receives the instructions from the DNA, and then it directs the proteins. This word search puzzle is associated with the terms related to DNA, RNA, And Protein Synthesis. Play it and enhance your knowledge about these biomolecules.

Words In This Word Search

Dna, Rna, Nucleotide, Nitrogen, Base, Double, Helix, Nucleus, Thymine, Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, Mutation, Specialized, Replication, Protein, Synthesis, Translation, Transcription, Chromosome, Differentiation, Framshift, Point


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