Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


For over half a century, Doctor Who has been a staple for sci-fi television on the BBC, depicting the bizarre adventures of "The Doctor," a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey that explores the universe in his trusty time machine, the TARDIS, and his sonic screwdriver. Having been on the air for over fifty years, the series keeps itself fresh with different generations of its protagonist, who changes form whenever the current actor decides to part ways with the program. Fourteen different actors have played the role of Doctor. See if you can find all the words and characters related to the series in this word search puzzle that we've hidden here.

Words In This Word Search

Tardis, Time, Travel, Companion, Alien, Vortex, Future, Past, Doctor, Who, Rose, Mickey, Sharh, Jane, Clara, Amy, Time Lord, Malfunction


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