Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


Can you tell us what does going green mean to you? And how can you achieve it? Going green means gaining knowledge and practices about eco-friendly activities that tell human beings how to sustain the resources (both natural and man-made) for their current and future generation. Here, in this word search puzzle, you'll be tasked with finding a glossary of going green. Enjoy!

Words In This Word Search

Methane, Cows, Greenhouse, Electricity, Gas, Dung, Oxygen, Fossil, Myth, Harvest, Control, Bust, Renewable, Recycle, Aluminum, Plastic, Lumber, Metal, Paper, Cardboard, Denim, Biodiesel, Biomass, Sustainable, Byproduct, Deforestation, Conversation


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