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Like the human body, the plant produces its own hormones. These hormones help the plants grow. Plants do not have glands. However, the hormones have an important job. The hormones determine how the flower will look by its shape, how their seeds will grow and when the flowers of the plant will bloom. In algae, the hormones are also seen. They also function in much the same way as the plants. There are classes of plant hormones including abscisic acid which has to do with growth. Auxins affect the forming of the buds of a plant, cytokinins have to do with cell division.

Words In This Word Search

Auxins, Hormones, Geotropism, Phototropism, Hydrotropism, Thigmotropism, Stimulus, Response, Plants, Indoleactic, Acid, Elongation, Cells, Negative, Positive


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