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Six Sigma is a program that is said to improve customer experiences, lower costs and build better leaders. At many organizations, it is implemented to attain the closest thing to perfection as humanly possible. It is a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects in any given process, be they manufacturing or transactional, regarding both services and products. To observe whether Six Sigma is achieved, a process must not produce more than 3.4 defects – anything out of customer specifications - per million opportunities. Think you can find words related to Six Sigma Day 2017? Try out!

Words In This Word Search

Anova, Capabilityindex, Ndc, Kappa, Blocking, Factorial, Precision, Linearity, Noise, Rsquare, Ttest, Dotplot, Fmea, Severity, Variable, Kpiv, Fishbone, Valuestream, Creativeinnovation, Kano


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