Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


Supernatural is an American television series that has released twelve seasons already and is renewed for a thirteenth season. The show plays on the CW network and, as the name suggests, it is focused on supernatural fantasy and horror, specifically urban legends and demons. The main characters, Sam and Dean Winchester, two brothers from Kansas, travel around the country hunting demons and seeking "the truth." Their car, a '67 Impala, is an iconic part of the show. The show also features angels and demons, including Lucifer, Azazel, Lilith, Crowley, Raphael, and Castiel. Do you think you can take this Supernatural word search puzzle and solve it? Let's see.

Words In This Word Search

Crowley, Castiel, Azazel, Winchester, Colt, Apocalipse, Impala, Ruby, Kripke, Ghostfacers, Lilith, Amuletos, Exorcismo, Receptaculo, Lucifer, Profeta, Purgatorio, Inferno


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