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Essentially upcycling is a form of recycling. Recycling is a process by which waste materials are changed to create new products to prevent the waste of potentially useful materials. This process enables us to reduce our consumption of new materials and our need for conventional waste disposal, such as landfills and incineration. When things are recycled, they are either: downcycled, and the items produced from waste materials are of a lower value and quality than the original article or material. Examples of this include paper and plastic, as when they are recycled, they are turned into a lower-grade paper or plastic. what is a good When things are recycled they are either: downcycled and the items produced from waste materials are of a lower value and quality than the original item or material. Examples of this include paper and plastic as when they are recycled they are turned into a lower grade paper or plastic. what is a good

Words In This Word Search

Shoes, T Shirts, Mitten, Jeans, Dresses, Slippers, Gloves, Scrunchies, Sweaters, Pants


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