Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


Zoology is a branch of science that falls under the category of biology since it deals with things that are alive and these things are animals. This science looks at how the animals live in the wild, captured, and in any location. Zoology analyzes how these animals grow, their diet, how they interact in the environment, and how they interact with other animals. Zoology determines the commonalities animals have and the differences animals have even though they belong in the same category. Other characteristics about animals that zoologists view include the animals’ habitats, ways of protection, and behavior when they are in certain situations. This word search puzzle consists of the zoology terms one should be aware of. So, without wasting a single second learn about those terms via this puzzle.

Words In This Word Search

Acritarchs, Chemiosmotic, Chloroquine, Diplomaned, Eukaryotes, Microtubular, Mechanism, Hallocination, Plasmodium, Prokaryotes, Evolutionary, Contractility


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