Grammer Game Brain Teaser

What are the eight parts of speech?
Adjectives!, Conjunctions!, Nouns! , pronouns! , Adverbs! , Interjections! , Prepositions! , Verbs!
Which word is the adjective in the sentence? :We picked the best Car at the Dealership!
The word "best" is the adjective in the sentence!
What is the verb in the sentence? : It was very hard trying to find shoes for my brother.
The word "was" was the verb in the sentence!
What is the pronoun in the sentence ? : They have a lot of money!
the word" they " is the pronoun in the sentence!
I am the action or an instance of two or more events what am I?
I'm a Conjunction!
I'm a word that expresses a relation to another word or element in the clause what am I ?
I'm a preposition!
I bought a 16-pound turkey. Which wasn"t enough to cook.... am I a sentence or fragment
I'm a fragment?
We went to the park to fly kites. what am I?
I'm a sentence!
End Of Game