Morphology Of Red Blood Cells Crossword Puzzle

Instruction: Select a cell, type in answers based on clues, and complete the puzzle.

      Red Blood Cells (RBCs) are the most abundant cells in our blood, tasked with transporting oxygen from the lungs to tissues throughout the body and returning carbon dioxide back to the lungs for exhalation. The Morphology of Red Blood Cells Crossword puzzle challenges you to explore and identify various shapes, sizes, and characteristics of red blood cells. Each clue describes a specific morphological feature or type of RBC, reflecting the fascinating diversity within our bloodstream.


      Their structure is crucial for their function, and any variations can indicate different health conditions. Understanding these variations is key for medical professionals and enthusiasts alike. Explore the terminology and discover the importance of each morphological trait in diagnosing and understanding different blood-related conditions. Put your knowledge to the test and see how well you understand the morphology of red blood cells. Can you match each description to its corresponding term? Try the Morphology of Red Blood Cells Crossword now and test your understanding of hematology!

      Morphology of Red Blood Cells Clue List


      • 1. RBC has this main characteristics morphology
      • 2. Variation in the amount of central pallor among a population of RBCs
      • 3. RBC has a semi-circular indentation in its outer cytoplasmic border. There may be a ‘roof’ to this indentation (blister cell) or no roof (bite cell)
      • 4. RBC is oval shaped
      • 5. Usually multiple small dark blue or purple granular inclusions, all within the hemoglobinized portion of the RBC
      • 6. Some RBCs aggregate into multicellular masses resembling a bunch of grapes
      • 7. There are several sickle RBC morphologies, including the classic sickle (crescentic with two sharply pointed ends) or boats (linear with two tapered if somewhat rounded ends)
      • 8. The zone of central pallor is linear, rather than circular. Usually the ‘line of pallor’ runs parallel to the long axis of the RBC


      • 1. RBC has irregularly distributed, variably sized, pointy projections off its surface
      • 2. Variation in size among a population of RBCs
      • 3. RBC has regularly distributed, equally sized, rounded projections off its surface
      • 4. RBC has a submembranous or epimembranous small round mass
      • 5. RBCs show color variability as a population: some (usually the majority) are the usual red color, while others are bluish
      • 6. The RBC appears to have been fragmented: it lacks the usual circular shape, instead showing a triangular or other angulated morphology
      • 7. The RBC is smaller and darker than normal. There is no zone of central pallor. The outer edge must be almost perfectly round (to differentiate this cell from irregularly contracted cells)
      • 8. The RBC has a central red area within the zone of central pallor

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