Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


Bacteria and viruses are two different terms that some people almost always use interchangeably. Although both bacteria and viruses cause many diseases and illnesses that we are familiar with, they are entirely two different things. Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that exist both in living hosts or things and all other areas of the planet, while a virus always requires living hosts or things to survive and multiply. In this word search puzzle, you'll be assigned to identify words related to both terms. Want to try it? Go ahead.

Words In This Word Search

Prokaryote, Eukaryote, Plasmids, Genome, Fimbriae, Host, Pathogen, Nucleus , Protein, Hiv, Retrovirus, Rna, Dna, Flagella, Health, Flu


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