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Brave is a 2012 animated film from Pixar Animation Studios, and Walt Disney Pictures centered on Merida's like – a princess in the Scottish Highlands. She defies the age-old custom of being betrothed to the son of one of her father's allies. As the firstborn of her own family, Merida uses her immense skill in archery to "win her hand" as a smart way to avoid being forced into marriage with somebody she doesn't know. As a result of her disobedience, she and her mother Elinor disagree, which leads Merida to seek help from a witch to sway her. This doesn't go to plan, and the two must instead work together at the risk of their lives being changed forever. Can you change your fate and spot some of Brave's most notable characters in this puzzle?

Words In This Word Search

Merida, Queen Elinor, Lord Dingwall, King Fergus, Wee Dingwall, The Crow, Maudie, Wee Dingwall, Maudie, The Witch, Gordon, Martin


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