Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


Genetically modified organisms (shortened as GMO) and their genetic material has been altered to produce medications and food. GMOs' production is not a one-step process because it involves mutation, insertion, or deletion of genes. Microbes, plants, and mammals are used for this kind of research to produce drugs or medicines. If you are interested in this topic and want to learn about its terminology and examples, play this word search puzzle. It may look like a boring topic at first, but when you understand why GMOs are needed, you will surely ask for more!

Words In This Word Search

Bees, Consumer, Cows, Genetic, Papaya, Gregor, Potato, Cotton, Corn, Soyabean, Canola, Alfalfa, Apple, Herbert Boyer, Stanley Cohen, Bacteria


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