Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
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Have you ever heard of snooker? If so, then you’re a bit unique. Not many people are familiar with this table-based sport. And many of those who see it for the first time often confuse it with billiards. But despite its small following, snooker is a sport that requires concentration, skill, and a right strategic mind. Professional snooker players are some of the sharpest people you’ll meet, and they deserve our respect and admiration. How many professional snooker players can you name? This word search puzzle contains 11 names of top snooker players. See how many of them you can find!

Words In This Word Search

Mark Selby, Alan Mcmanus, Mark Davis, Allan Taylor, James Cahill, Gary Wilson, Gareth Allen, John Astley, Duane Jones, Rhys Clark, Ian Glover


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