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Cheerleaders are known for yelling chants and cheers while at a sports function. At this sporting event, the cheerleaders will do flips, cartwheels, and other gymnastics to entertain the fans and get the fans to cheer on the team. The cheerleaders wear matching uniforms. Sometimes, they have small pompoms. Cheerleaders have to be athletic to do the flips and jumps. It can be dangerous too. Sometimes, cheerleaders have to stand on each other’s shoulders. This might cause them to fall. There are cheerleading competitions where cheerleading squads do their routine in front of an audience and a group of judges.

Words In This Word Search

Pompoms, Megaphone, Skirt, Shoes, Bow, Coaches, Team, Stunts, Motions, Tumble, Cheer, Jump, Flip, Cartwheel, Backhandspring, Round, Off


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