Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


Rihanna is a massive superstar in the hip-hop and pop music industry. Every year, this remarkable artist releases new songs that continue to be among the most popular songs of the year. Millions of people worldwide can sing along to every word of every Rihanna song, but how many of her song titles can you recognize? We’ve hidden the names of 12 of her songs in this fun word search game, and if you’re a true Rihanna fan, you’ll recognize most, if not all of them. So put on your favorite Rihanna song and see if you can find all of the hidden song titles.

Words In This Word Search

Work, Neededme, Umbrella, Stay, Rudeboy, Mandown, Diamonds, Takeabow, Unfaithful, Whatnow, Teamo, Rehab


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