Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


K-pop is a modern music genre originating in South Korea that draws on pop ballads, R&B, rock, jazz, classical and more. K-pop groups tend to feature large ensembles of boys or girls (boy bands and girl bands, respectively) signed at an early age and groomed as stars. Intricate dance choreography is a prominent part of the genre, featured in videos and live shows. The songs are often with intricate choreography. The use of the English language in song titles, lyrics, and band names has become increasingly popular in the last ten years as K-pop groups seek to market themselves internationally. This puzzle focuses exclusively on K-pop boy bands and male solo artists.

Words In This Word Search

Ajax, Bap, Beast, Bigbang, Blockb, Boyfriend, Btob, Cnblue, Tvxq, Exo, Ftisland, Gdragon, Top, Henrylau, Infinite, Mib, Mblaq, Nuest, Shinee, Superjunior, Rain, Taemin, Taeyang, Teentop, Toheart, Ukiss, Vixx, Zhoumi


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