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As a singer, Shawn Mendes became famous for self-promotion. In 2013, he sang his songs and shared them on Vine. With this exposure, managers contacted him, and soon Mendes had a contract to sign. His first album is titled Handwritten. Shawn began going on tour with other singers to promote his album. He also won awards like the Teen Choice award in 2014. A famous singer that Mendes opened for was Taylor Swift in 2015. In 2016, Shawn released his second album, which was titled Illuminate. Along with his singing career, Mendes helps with charities, including Pencils of Promise.

Words In This Word Search

Stitches , Shawn , Roses, Peter, Imagination , Raul, Aftertaste , Mendes, Mercy, Guitar , Ruin , Strings , Understand , Patience , Air, Honest , Illuminate , Handwritten


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