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The Secondary School Admission Test, or SSAT, is an exam administered by The Enrollment Management Association in the United States of America to students in grades 3-11 to provide independent or private elementary, middle and high schools with the appropriate information regarding student admission. The level of intelligence at which a student completes these exams will determine where they will likely be eligible to attend school. In this word search, we'll be taking a look at the vocabulary section of the exam namely "Adjunct," "Corroded," "Ridicule," "Endeavour," "Deadlock," "Impasse," "Shrewd" and "Patron."

Words In This Word Search

Deadlock, Impasse, Corroded, Ridicule, Endeavor, Adjunct, Shrewd, Patron, Neologism, Omnipotent, Transduce, Protract, Disperse, Equidistant


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