Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


Choosing a career out of the thousands of options available to you can be overwhelming. Where do you even begin? A career cluster refers to a general career type with hundreds of potential jobs included under its umbrella. For example, careers in the "finance" cluster might consist of an accountant, loan officer, tax preparer, or other jobs connected with money and finance. So give this word search puzzle a try and see if you can find all the career clusters we've hidden here. Then see if you can choose one that stands out to you as a potential future career path.

Words In This Word Search

Agriculture, Food, Natural, Resources, Architecture, Construction, Arts, Av, Technology, Communications, Business, Management, Administration, Education, Training, Finance, Government, Public, Health, Science, Hospitality, Tourism, Human, Services, Information, Law, Safety, Corrections, Security, Manufacturing, Marketing, Engineering, Mathematics, Transportation, Distribution, Logistics


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