Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.

5 (1 Ratings)


We encounter statistics in our daily lives more often than we realize. Whether it's calculating the average life expectancy or understanding the crime rate in your area, these concepts are all part of the Statistics Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle Game. Knowing the basic terms used in statistics can help you interpret the data that influences many aspects of modern life. 


This word search puzzle is a fun way to familiarize yourself with key statistical terms that are useful in making sense of the world around you. Play this word game to see how many of these essential words you can find! Hurry up. The clock's ticking!

Words In This Word Search

Term, Simulation, Evaluate, Coefficient, Variable, Tolerance, Reciprocal, Probability, Mean, Median, Mode, Sample


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