Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


This game consists of every necessary and essential detail related to The Boy and the Striped Pajamas. A Word search game has all the essential information and discussion related to The Boy and the Striped Pajamas.

Words In This Word Search

Father, Bruno, Mother, Pajamas, Shmuel, Gretel, Lt, Kotler, Striped, German, Eva, Hitler, Fury, Grandfather, Grandmother, Pavel, Concentration, Camps, Jewish, Auschwitz, Out, With, Berlin, Maria, Fence, Lars, Maid, Herr, Liszt, Star, Of, David, Swastika, Carl, Martin, Daniel, Nine, Twelve, Poland, Hopeless, Case, Soldiers, Cremate, Tire, Swing, Nazi, Sad, Bomb, Watchmaker, God


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