Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
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The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane is a 2006 novel by American children's fiction writer Katrina Elizabeth DiCamillo, better known by her pen name Kate DiCamillo. It is a story about a china rabbit named Edward Tulane given to Abilene by her grandmother in the 1930s. Abilene treats him with kindness, compassion, and respect until he falls overboard on the RMS Queen Mary, and he spends 297 days on the ocean floor. Test your knowledge about the novel identifying its associated words and characters in this word search puzzle.

Words In This Word Search

Miraculous, Journey, Edward, Tulane, Dicamillo, Kate, Abilane, Pellegrina, Nellie, Lawrance, Lolly, Lucy, Bull, Bryce, Sarah, Ruth, Neal, Lucius, Clarke, Maggie


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