Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


A city is a large urban center, more significant than a town, where people live and work. In this puzzle, you will be searching for cities of the world. See if you can find the famous city of the ancient Mayan peoples in Mexico, the city of Chichen Itza, in this puzzle. Then fast-forward to one of the most vibrant cities, "the city that never sleeps," New York City in the U.S.A. home of Broadway and skyscrapers. Visit the modern Middle-East when you find the city of Dubai, the capital of the country of the same name in the United Arab Emirates and famous for its luxury shopping and modern architecture. Hong Kong, the island city of China and designated an autonomous territory, is renowned for its shopping and cuisine. Found it? You are on your way to solving the puzzle.

Words In This Word Search

Hong Kong, Seoul, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, New York City, Istanbul, Dubai, Paris, Bangkok, London, Chichen Itza


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