Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


Earth science focuses on Earth. More specifically, Earth scientists analyze and test the make-up of the inside and outside of the planet. Scientists look at every part of the Earth. Earth scientists use geography to do their job. They view mountains, rivers, and other landforms that function on the Earth’s surface. Then they may examine the parts inside the Earth like the mantle, inner core, outer core, and crust. This word search puzzle is dedicated to the words related to earth science. Do you think you can spot those words? Well, try it out.

Words In This Word Search

Anticline, Lava, Magma, Mantle, Volcano, Plates, Mercalli, Fault, Focus, Fold, Cinders, Composite, Geology, Biosphere, Earthen


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