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Those who haven't heard of Billie Holiday might be wondering, who is Billie Holiday? Especially the millennials. This is an opportunity to know Eleanora Fagan, aka Lady Day, professionally known as Billie Holiday and born on April 7th, 1915. Billie Holiday was an American jazz musician and songwriter. She had a booming singing/songwriting career spanning more than 25 years. Her vocal style is said to be inspired by jazz instrumentalists. Although she hadn't any formal music education, Billie's holiday made up in that aspect with her vocal delivery and improvisational skills, as music scholars would say it. She was nicknamed "Lady Day" by her friend and musical partner Lester Young. Billie Holiday had a seminal influence on jazz and pop singing; her vocal style pioneered a new way of manipulating phrasing and tempo. Enjoy this puzzle.

Words In This Word Search

Billie, Holiday, Convicted, Jail, Alcholic, Opium, Elinore, Harris, Black, Ghetto, Dove


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