Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


Frida Kahlo was an artist from Mexico. When Frida was a teenager, she was involved in a vehicle accident, which left her with many injuries. She continued to paint her pictures. Eventually, she married Diego Rivera, another Mexican artist. Frida encountered many problems in her life. First, her marriage had issues since it was believed that her husband was unfaithful. Second, Frida suffered from polio when she was a young girl. She had trouble having children. If you know about her, you might be interested in playing the given word search puzzle as it contains her style of art and related words to her. Good Luck!

Words In This Word Search

Disease, Mexico, Accident, Singing, Painting, Jokes, Proud, Woman, Modern Art, Surrealism, Cubism, Symbolism


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