Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


The term "Emo" is loosely used to describe a specific genre of music characterized by expressive, sometimes confessional lyrics and the culture that has formed as a result of it. The term is said to derive from the phrase "emotional hardcore" (or "emocore"), with this particular music category emerging in the mid-1980s as a distinct style of post-hardcore. That was, however, until the word had its definition somehow altered by its continued usage in the American punk rock scene, with a heavy focus on indie rock and pop-punk as the years went by. The genre tackles are known for tackling a variety of pretty morbid themes, some of which you'll be on the hunt for in this puzzle. Examples include "blood", "death", "hate" and "black".

Words In This Word Search

Love, Hate, Sorrow, Rain, Rose, Black, Blood, Brokenheart, Life, Death


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