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Your musical instruments list probably includes piano, guitar, violin, flute, saxophone, etc. But does the vibraphone make your list? Not many people know what the vibraphone is, and yet, most of us have heard it at one time or another. The vibraphone played a vital role in a lot of jazz music and was an essential part of the development of "Tiki lounge" music in the mid-1900s. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with a few of the most exceptional vibraphone players in music history, check out this word search puzzle, and find the names of these 12 musicians.

Words In This Word Search

Gary Burton, Milt Jackson, Cal Tjader, Stefon Harris, Dave Samuels, Joe Locke, Red Norvo, Steve Nelson, Terry Gibbs, Tommy Vig, Jay Hoggard, Tito Puente


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