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Jazz is a fun, upbeat kind of music with its roots deep in the South, particularly in New Orleans, Louisiana. Here, musicians created a soulful music genre with elements of swing, blues, and Cajun music. Many people enjoy the snappy rhythms and exciting trumpet and saxophone solos that are often included in the jazz genre. But jazz would not be what it is today without the musicians who have influenced it and shaped it along the way. Jazz pioneers like Miles Davis and Count Basie are just a few of the greats that we’ve included in this word search puzzle. See how many jazz musicians’ names you can find!

Words In This Word Search

Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Charlie Parker, Count Basie, Chick Corea, Frank Sinatra, Dave Brubeck, Cab Calloway, Art Blakey, Earl Hines, Glenn Miller, Roy Eldridge


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