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Justin Bieber’s life has had some ups and downs. He was born in 1994 in Canada. Bieber was musical during his upbringing by learning to play many different instruments. He graduated from high school in 2012 with a perfect GPA average. Bieber has gained popularity from his first album which has caused magazines to publish his picture. Bieber has dated Selena Gomez beginning in late 2010 and ending in late 2012. Bieber has made some fragrances. He also supports several charities like Pencils for Promise. Some of Bieber’s neighbors have had problems with the singer including vandalism and driving fast. He was arrested in 2014 believing he was driving under the influence.

Words In This Word Search

Justin, Bieber, Purple, Mallette, Swag, Normal, Robinhood, Jiley, Jeliebers, Jariana


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