Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


Mae Carol Jemison was born on October 17, 1956, in Decatur, Alabama. She was an American engineer, physician, and most importantly, a NASA astronaut. Most people probably don’t know her, but she has been known as the first African-American woman to travel space aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour on September 12, 1992. When students come across her name in their textbooks, they will probably encounter different words such as seep and mission words that describe her job as an astronaut. Once you finish this word search puzzle, why don’t you find its respective meaning and find more information about Mae Carol Jemison?

Words In This Word Search

Seep, Mission, Launch, Embassy, Food, Milk, Civilrights, Scientist, Endeavour, October


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