Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


The Canterbury Tales consists of several stories written by Geoffrey Chaucer hundreds of years ago. Some of the tales are written in prose, but most are written in lines. The story introduction explains why these tales are narrated. In Canterbury tales, a group of people is on a journey during which they begin a contest. Each person has to tell a story. They do this to pass the time since they are on a long journey. Whoever wins the prize will get to eat their meal free at the next inn. Have you ever read these stories? If so, don't forget to play this word search puzzle and spot the terms and characters associated from The Canterbury Tales. Good luck!

Words In This Word Search

Prologue, The Pardoner, Heroic, The Host, The Knight, The Narrator, The Miller, Wife Of Bath, Anti Feminist, Auctorite, Boethian, Pentecost, Pilgrimage


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